Profile - Coach John Wu Badminton - Coach John Wu Badminton

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John Wu
Certified Badminton Coach
Certified Standard First Aid CPR C & AED
Certified Respect in Sport, Activity Leader
Coach John can help you design a badminton program for your athletes and teach them the fundamental skills and the technical / tactical strategies of the sport to honing their athletic skills in a safe and inclusive enjoyable environment.

Develop a training program to ensure the strategy for each athlete is successfully implemented and classes are progressive, challenging for all levels of skills and everyone is enjoying the program.

Develop coaching strategies and processes to be implemented. Also, mentorship of new coaches and training coaches.

Coaching experience:
B-Active Badminton Club, Coach
Edmonton District Badminton Association, Director of Coaching
Northgate Junior Badminton Club, Coach
Northgate Badminton Club, Vice President
ECNS Badminton, Head Coach
Respect Badminton Club, Head Coach
Healthy Sports Junior Badminton Club, Coach
Coach John Wu Badminton
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

©2024 by Coach John Wu Badminton
Let's Play Badminton!
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